PARACHINAR: Amidst shortage of essential items in Parachinar, the district administration on Tuesday reported the demolition of two more bunkers in Lower Kurram, bringing the total number of dismantled bunkers to 28.
According to the administration, efforts were underway to implement the 14-point peace agreement and provide relief to the public. In Parachinar, the chemist and druggist association staged a protest by shutting down all medical stores due to the non-supply of medicines. Addressing a joint press conference, association leaders Syed Muhammad Hanif, Rasheed Ali, Syed Iftikhar, Sajid Hussain, and Iqbal Hussain stated that the disruption in medicine supply had severely impacted both their businesses and patients in need. They highlighted that while essential commodities such as flour, ghee, sugar, vegetables, and fruits were transported under convoy security, medicine supply vehicles were not included in these convoys. As a result, they have decided to continue their strike until the issue was resolved, exacerbating the crisis for both business owners and patients. Additionally, students protested the road blockades, stating that their inability to reach Peshawar had jeopardized their admissions to educational institutions both within Pakistan and abroad. They urged authorities to take immediate action to restore access to educational facilities and ensure that their academic futures are not compromised.
Meanwhile, miscreants released a video showing the destruction of an abandoned police post in Murghan Kotki in central Kurram. Law enforcement authorities filed an FIR and arrested more than 10 people for investigation. The police stated that they had vacated the checkpost a few days ago, following which looting and arson incidents occurred. The video released by the miscreants showed them vowing to continue similar actions across the country while hoisting their flag on a hilltop. The police launched a probe into the looting, burning, and destruction of the checkpost.